Greetings kea. It is I RunAway. Ahh it has been indeed a long time. I have been training my asshole off and swamped with a wonderful schedule of work hours here at Camp Pendleton. I get a chance to check the forums here and there. But I just wanted to stop and and tell everyone that Im not dead. I should be getting a computer within a reasonable amount of time. As I have other things I need to pay for. New Car,Cell Phone Bill,Sending my parents money. And a few other things. I have to do a lot more training in march but I shall indeed keep in touch. And when I finally get around to it I will post some provocative pics of me in uniform. Anyways much love to everyone. Except Mifive, I hope you get aids. (Jk love you buddy) Anyways you guys keep it together so I can come kill all of you soon. Anyways Talk to you all Soon.
Sincerely~ HM2 Brieske