I don't know how to do this unless you start DoD:S through a shortcut. Anyways, right click the DoD:S icon, and go to properties. Go to the Shortcut tab. For target it should read
"C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 300
If not that, something similar.
To stop the video from playing add "-novid". Do
NOT put the ".
It should look like this -
"C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 300 -novid
Also, for us with shitty computers that run DoD in a window, you may like to add -noborder
List of Command Lines * -autoconfig - Restores video and performance settings to default for the current hardware detected. Ignores settings inside any .cfg files until this parameter is removed.
* -dev - Enables developer mode. Also disables the automatic loading of menu background maps and stops the quit dialog from appearing on exit.
* -condebug - Logs all console output into the console.log text file.
* -console - Starts the game with the developer console enabled.
* -toconsole - Starts the engine directly in the console, unless a map is specified with +map.
* -dxlevel <level> - Forces a specific DirectX version when launching the engine. This is useful if your graphics card is DirectX 9 capable, but a lot faster using only DirectX 8 (e.g. NVidia GeForce FX 5200). Multiply the desired DirectX version to use with ten. E.g. for DirectX 8.0 you would use -dxlevel 80.
* -32bit - Forces the engine to start in 32-bit mode. Only useful on 64-bit Operating Systems.
* -fullscreen - Forces the engine to start in fullscreen mode.
* -window or -sw - Forces the engine to start in windowed mode.
* -w <width> - Forces the engine to start with resolution set to <width>. Ex: -w 1024
* -h <height> - Forces the engine to start with resolution set to <height>. Ex: -h 768
* -refresh <rate> - Force a specific refresh rate. Ex: -refresh 60
* -heapsize <kilobytes> - Specifies the heapsize (in kilobyte) the game will use.
* -nocrashdialog - Suppresses some 'memory could not be read' unhandled errors.
* -novid - When loading a game with this parameter, the intro Valve video will not play.
* -noborder - When used with the game set to windowed mode, will make the game act as if in fullscreen mode (no window border), potentially making Alt+Tabbing faster.
If you try any of this and screw shit up, not my problem. I am not a tech guy, I will not fix your problem.