Mattress-Gnome here, I've been playing on KEA for a while now, at first because Mattress-Goddess was here, and now because I draw great delight from shanking Huck, headshotting Ding, and rokkiting Ferret out of the church (friggin camper). I'm 30 and from State College, PA and play Netstorm, Internet Hearts, DoD, TF2, Kongai, and assorted other crappus. My interest in joining is mainly to be able to exercise a little more control (team balance, mute, etc) in the server, as I am a late night player and often there won't be admins on. You know what happens then. I'm not a big fan of admins being bullies, so don't expect me to take too much of a smackdown role on the server, and I most likely won't identify myself as a [KEA] member unless the offenders are being serious dickholes.
Also, I want to be able to kick/ban, smack, beacon, explode, screendark, ammonull, slay, mute and generally abuse Morpheus any time I feel like it. Just him though.
I'm coming for you Morph....