so i had a dream last night..i ran into my Ex (who i havent seen for a while) and somehow we start talkin..then makin out and i tell her i miss her and start beggin her to take me back..etc (she lives in chicago)
she's like "well we'll see" we got to a contruction site owned by my dad and step on fresh concrete (not her..i step on fresh concrete)..shes has a "i feel sorry for you" look in her eyes ,we get on a bus cause shes on her way to the airport and take the very back seats,for some reason i cant explain the bus is very side windows open and im wearing a OU cap that goes flyin out the window and lands on a pile of dirt and garbage.
thats my i get off the bus and say goodbye..feelin miserable,i walk down to get my cap and 3 black trannys at a bus stop start sayin dirty things to me..then i realise thats my block from when i was 5 y/o..thats my house which somehow was also part of an apts building,the neighborhood hasnt changed a bit except for my house being part of that complex..the street's about to hold a parade..or some celebration..couldnt say.
so i get inside..and theres a hug crowd ready to go out and party..mostly really obese guys wearin tight soccer of em's pissin a wall right next to me..i try to get to the elevator but theres just too many ppl and im pushed towards the pissed wall..i put my solied cap on and all of a sudden im shirtless..
woke up and my actual GF was huggin me..gotta drive her to work,im already late