I am 17 years old, and have had plenty of experience with games ranging from mmorpg, fps, mmofps, rpg, and many others
I come from New Zealand, a small TINY country near australia, but my nationality is Chinese (though i was born in NZ)
Oh yeah, my hobbies are drawing, painting, playing games, playing soccer, txting, watching tv, listening to music (pendulum
and my job
i work at a place called EB games, its kinda like gamestop/ gamestation etc.
Im not sure how long I've played for, but I've realised just how fun the server is... and also, how all the admins are so active
LOVE IT! So then hackers get banned faster, because an australian server i used to play on there was one stubborn admin who used adminpowers on us players to get himself achievements -_- And then that server shut down real quick
But yeah, im pretty relaxed and I <3 AWP
(and the p228)