
Community Talk => General Talk => Topic started by: RAMBO on May 27, 2009, 03:15:35 PM

Title: Chainsaw
Post by: RAMBO on May 27, 2009, 03:15:35 PM
I am buying a saw this weekend. The one we own is like 20 years old and only a foot long. Anyways, I was wondering what I should go with. Anyone here have a suggestion? Stihl/Echo/Craftsman? I guess low ends would be Black and Decker, Husqvarna, Poulan, and Remington?
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: ScrotalTorment on May 27, 2009, 03:24:40 PM
I'd say Stihl, I've never had an issue with them when taken care of.  Granted i've never used the others so dunno of any issues.  But i'd say definitely don't get a lowend, Those are for retarded homeowning husbands who trim shrubs. lol
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Hands Mechanical on May 27, 2009, 03:34:33 PM
i have also only used stihl but i had a blast with it cutting down trees in my backyard and it worked beautifully
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: fury on May 27, 2009, 04:31:58 PM
husqvarna has the best engines,and are pricey,but stihl and poulan pro are probably the most reliable ones overall,just keep it lubed and itll last a lifetime

Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: ScrotalTorment on May 27, 2009, 05:26:30 PM
Ya, lube is key. In chainsaw maintenance and anal.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: fury on May 27, 2009, 05:47:05 PM
Ya, lube is key. In chainsaw maintenance and anal.
yeah i was talkin about anal lube before

Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: trooper is j on May 27, 2009, 08:10:49 PM
poulan i had an issue with one of those once.  the pull starter would not always wind back up.  other wise a pretty good saw.  STAY AWAY from black and decker, all of the shit they make now a days is shit and wont last long at all.   rambo you should take the engine from your old saw and put it on a bicycle.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: RAMBO on May 28, 2009, 02:00:46 PM
I looked at craftsman ones since I was in sears yesterday and they were quite reasonably priced. If I go with Stihl, I'd have to find a dealer. They don't sell them at any chain stores from what I understand. I'm sure the Craftsman will have a lifetime warranty too, which is always good, and they are trustworthy.

Actually, only a year warranty. Those bitches.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Run Away! on May 28, 2009, 11:55:42 PM
Well this topic was nothing as expected. I figured to enter the topic and start reading something about a massacre with a chainsaw or But as for a chainsaw, Id go with a craftsman. I have no complaints about any of there tools. There always reliable.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: ScrotalTorment on May 29, 2009, 12:58:05 AM
There are ALL KINDS of places that sell stihl around here in minnesota.  You could probably google for it in your area and find something pretty easily.

I guarentee it'll be more expensive then craftsman, but it'll probably have a much better warranty and work better.

I'll buy craftsman socket wrenches and shit. But i never liked their power tools.  I used to install windows and craftsman shit never lasted longer then the high end stuff. costs twice as much but lasts 4x longer.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: RAMBO on May 29, 2009, 03:39:22 PM
Yea, there are some local small places. They bump the price up like jews and I won't pay for it. I mean, they bump it up like 50-100 bucks. Fuck them. I'll prolly go with a craftsman. Cheap, good name.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Ban Em All on May 29, 2009, 04:37:35 PM
I wouldnt trust rambo with a chainsaw.

just imagine...
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: ScrotalTorment on May 29, 2009, 07:11:34 PM
I wouldnt trust rambo with a chainsaw.

just imagine...

I think that a background check and psychological history might be in order.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Ban Em All on May 29, 2009, 07:21:12 PM

I think that a background check and psychological history might be in order.
And thats for a chainsaw, let alone a weapon.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: fury on May 29, 2009, 07:43:28 PM
And thats for a chainsaw, let alone a weapon.
or a sling
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Ban Em All on May 29, 2009, 07:58:51 PM
or a sling
or anything including his own body
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Bobby Hill on May 30, 2009, 12:42:52 PM
i got a stihl with a 20 inch bar it pwns.  ive been cuttin fire wood all week
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: RAMBO on June 03, 2009, 09:43:01 AM
I went with a pouland. I did research and Husqy pretty much makes all of them now except for stihl and echo. 20" bar and it worked well as  I cut firewood all week. Also, you don't realize most of my psychotic behavior is only expressed online.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Hands Mechanical on June 03, 2009, 02:11:45 PM
In day-to-day life he bides his time and labors under a facade of sanity and stability... but one day the psychosis will catch up and an unhinged, frothing Rambo will hit the streets, revving his chainsaw and shrieking wildly as he chases women and children down the road.  DOD:S can't keep back the flood forever.

Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: canadian_bacon on June 03, 2009, 03:26:04 PM
just dont go chopping down red woods, and scrotal definatly knows his lube... consult to him for instructions
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: RAMBO on June 03, 2009, 06:38:33 PM
Canadian and Hands this is not your place to make jokes. I hate you both. Shut up faggots.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Ban Em All on June 04, 2009, 09:18:10 PM
Canadian and Hands this is not your place to make jokes. I hate you both. Shut up faggots.
dont take it personally canadian and hands, he hates everyone.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: RAMBO on June 06, 2009, 08:40:03 AM
I don't hate you Ban Em, or NWP, Jim Jones, Dog Faced Gremli, FURY, Pimba, NYC Diesel, Glox, Professional, Jwpizzy, Canadian Hammer, Cray Canuck, Gage, i stink, Spook, or Mattress Gnome. I guess I only hate the new fags.
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Bobby Hill on June 06, 2009, 12:58:53 PM
yayyyy "girl voice"  probably hated now lol
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: soviet pizza on June 06, 2009, 01:01:39 PM
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: Hands Mechanical on June 06, 2009, 05:31:54 PM
dont take it personally canadian and hands, he hates everyone.
oh trust me, i couldn't give less of a fuck what some angry tard on the internet thinks, i'm pretty used to it
Title: Re: Chainsaw
Post by: fury on June 06, 2009, 10:02:58 PM
yayyyy "girl voice"  probably hated now lol