KEA Servers > Counter-Strike Source

CSS Server Information (Read This Thread)


IP Address:

Map: Crackhouse Deathmatch

Addons: 100Tick/1000FPS, CSSDM, Sourcemod, Tripmines, HLstatsX, Sourcemod AntiCheat, Cheaterbustertools (Admin Spectator Wallhacks),
AutoSilencer, AutoDemo, Ammo replenisher, Team Noblock, Quake Sounds v3, AFK Manager, Dead/Spectator Chat, Hacker Mirror Damage, Autobans, Grenadepack, Announcements

Rules: No hackers, camping spawns is allowed but be prepared to be ridiculed and possibly kicked if it begins to clear out the server/gets out of hand.

Map votes to something other than crackhouse may be initiated by admins at their wish for a changeup.

Due to the nature of the NON-steam system, IP address changes will cause admin rights to be revoked. Please post in the admin reset thread with your new Steam ID (type status in the console ingame) or ip address (


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