Community Talk > Introduce Yourself

Introducing Revolution (JoKL)

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I am 17 years old, and have had plenty of experience with games ranging from mmorpg, fps, mmofps, rpg, and many others :)
I come from New Zealand, a small TINY country near australia, but my nationality is Chinese (though i was born in NZ)
Oh yeah, my hobbies are drawing, painting, playing games, playing soccer, txting, watching tv, listening to music (pendulum :) and my job :D i work at a place called EB games, its kinda like gamestop/ gamestation etc.
Im not sure how long I've played for, but I've realised just how fun the server is... and also, how all the admins are so active :D LOVE IT! So then hackers get banned faster, because an australian server i used to play on there was one stubborn admin who used adminpowers on us players to get himself achievements -_- And then that server shut down real quick :P

But yeah, im pretty relaxed and I <3 AWP :D (and the p228)

gangster bopper:
on a scale of 1-17 how much do you like penis


Hello there, welcome! What games do you play?

Way too make two threads about yourself, asshole.


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