KEA Servers > Day of Defeat Source

DOD:S has a new IP Address

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the DOD:S server has a new IP Address

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Mr. Schniedelwichsen:
Is there a way to fix the # of players listed as connected?  Before i connect, it will say 10+ people playing, but then after connecting I am solo.

Ban Em All:

--- Quote from: Mr. Schniedelwichsen on December 18, 2011, 01:08:35 PM ---Is there a way to fix the # of players listed as connected?  Before i connect, it will say 10+ people playing, but then after connecting I am solo.

--- End quote ---
Its designed like that, its suppose to bring more traffic to the server.

I'll keep my thoughts reserved on how well that works out though.

it worked immediately back when the server first started but at this time Setti has basically forgotten about dods and all the nonsteam players are running old clients. i'm trying to rattle their cage to update. there's actually about 2-4 people trying to connect every 5 minutes but they immediately receive a server new protocol error. these connects don't show up in the logs because they dont even get past server/client handshaking

Pretty solid game there.  It's a shame more people haven't heard of it.


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