General Gaming => PC Gaming => Topic started by: guit_ar_tist on September 08, 2008, 11:07:56 AM
This game looks like it's gonna be awesome even though it is returning to WWII. There's even a flame thrower! :D Here's a link of gameplay video:;img;3 (;img;3)
yea, i think this looks really good, i'm more of a fan of ww2 games then modern day or futuristic games, so i'm glad they went back. the flame thrower seems pretty good that it's not overpowered but still not 100% realistic.
ncie sems there coming out with alot of good games
am i the only one that isnt so into this new one coming out, i like ww2 and all, but it gets a little old, and i like modern, but i dont like future stuff, like bf 2142. this game to me is either gonna be really good or its just gonna suck
Am I the only one who thinks that this is just CALL 2 in the jungle with better graphics?
jim has a point here
COD4 was wayyyyy better... also.. they are going back to the modern warfare franchise for cod6..
COD4 was wayyyyy better... also.. they are going back to the modern warfare franchise for cod6..
It's gonna be cod5 W@W was basically something to make money for cheap.
The only call of duty worth any of my time was the original one. I think treyarch sucks giant elephant dick. I still refuse to even try this game.
I'm gunna pull a D-Man here. I just got COD5. Do the pests have a server? Who plays? Where at?
I'm gunna pull a D-Man here. I just got COD5. Do the pests have a server? Who plays? Where at?

Both empty at 6 PM EST, primetime. Great. You play Kill?
I'm gunna pull a D-Man here. I just got COD5. Do the pests have a server? Who plays? Where at?
LOL, what does pulling a D-MAN mean? I know I make stupid/short comments. But its ok if your not like me...I will still love you. ;D
50% off this weekend. I just purchased it. I'm going to play it tomorrow.
I played a bit of it and it's kind of frustrating. It's kind of a catch-22 because enemies keep respawning and none of your allies advance unless you do. So if you advance you'll get cut down and if you don't you can't advance. Plus the grenade system is horrible.
I played a bit of it and it's kind of frustrating. It's kind of a catch-22 because enemies keep respawning and none of your allies advance unless you do. So if you advance you'll get cut down and if you don't you can't advance. Plus the grenade system is horrible.
I just beat the solo game. It was fun. Only took half a day. It was kinda annoying that they wouldn't move up till you do.
Singleplayer was fun but identical to past COD games, and I agree it got hella frustrating at some points (at least on veteran). On easy though it was a breeze. 7/10 overall, nothing special. The zombie nazis are the best part by a lot. Infinity Ward is the real COD developer.
$25 special on steam now until August 13...what say you all, is that a good deal? I'm considering it mostly for Nazi Zombies haha
thats the only fun part mifive
for real? that kinda sucks...what about deathmatch?
so so. it really depends who you talk to. the story was alright. i really wish they would make a world war two game that didnt jump around. where you were a actual american soldier and you went through a whole tour. just like the real ww2 was.
i really wish they would make a world war two game that didnt jump around. where you were a actual american soldier and you went through a whole tour. just like the real ww2 was.
That would be a great game...VERY long. And if it was shit a company would loose their ass because you can't just re-make the game in a huge update that is supposed to make it better. There are just too many risks.
That would be a great game...VERY long. And if it was shit a company would loose their ass because you can't just re-make the game in a huge update that is supposed to make it better. There are just too many risks.
yeah, but if the company did it right the first time, i would guarantee they would instantly become the largest game company in existence.
yeah, but if the company did it right the first time, i would guarantee they would instantly become the largest game company in existence.
Hell ya! They would become a household name.