Community Talk > Entertainment

what are your "Lost" impressions

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Ban Em All:

--- Quote from: BMFPoochie on May 25, 2010, 12:23:18 AM ---Duh, cause the magical cork from the light that made him had been pulled.

--- End quote ---
yeah me and my friend were discussing that. that was the only case where I was lost. some people were just thrown like it was their first lost episode.

TERd sniFFa:
only way im watching lost is if snooki was in it

Shadow of Enigma:
as "artistic"?? as the ending was...i hated how the producers made up so many fucking questions and in the end relied on this POS ending as oppose to answering some fucking questions...such as..why walt was so special...or how did jacob's brother go from Smokey...or What really is the island?! what happened to the  "others" how is desmond a "weapon"? blah blah blah..sure the ending was lovely...but those faux-cocksuckers didn't hold up their side!

fuck..i never watched it but if you guys keep posting, even i will start jumping to conclusions

LOST In 3 Minutes

If you've never seen lost, that kid has the answer.


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