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Author Topic: RAMBO's Dispute  (Read 2351 times)

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RAMBO's Dispute
« on: September 27, 2009, 04:03:55 PM »
• RAMBO, I Try Hard, I'm Bad, Get Good, jojodaclowno. I may have also been seen with one or more of the following clan tags: [KEA] [WaNG] [We.R.Dzel] [A1K] [IND] {IO} ·|TH|·  i?l?t?h» FBR.

• STEAM_0:1:11656300

• I was banned for "racism", disrespecting admin, and general douchebaggery.

• Banning Admin: Trooper is Jesus

• KEA Present: Shadow of Enigma, Rev. Jim Jones, JoseCuervo, AngryWhite Man, Doc, Concept, Fury

• My Side of the Story: I told all admins to kick and AFK to make room for a KEA member whom I was talking to, and if they didn't I would TK them until myself or they were kicked. I stopped this after I thought it was a bad idea. Shadow told me to get banned because nobody likes me. I said something along these lines to him: "shadow you a disrespectful arrogant cunt, you fucking piece of shit sri lankan, i voted for you and or recruited you and did so much here, yet you want me banned? fucking sri lanka..[Disconnect:Abusive]"

• My Dispute: First and foremost I never said a slur.
"Sri Lankan" If that is racism, everyone should be banned. If it bothered him so much, he could of asked to me stop saying it. Or get thicker skin. Either way it would have solved the problem. Yea, I'm an asshole, don't be a cunt and ask me to stop saying it and I will. Ask Pimba, he did it. At least 10 members should be banned for the comments made about Africamagical's name. Sri Lanka is a Country. Africa is a continent. Same difference. I am banned for saying sri lanka fuck, yet Portuguese fuck, Belgium Fuck, Canadian Fuck, Argentinian Fuck, New Jersey Cunt, Slovenian Fuck, do not make a disturbance or result in any admin action. With that said, do people that put [NL] [PL] [RUS] [CZE] [SWE] [FIN] [IRE] after their name make them a racist? I say their showing patriotism, but then again, I COULD take it as their saying their country is better than mine. But countries aren't races, or are they? I get confused because of my ban terms. I guess you can add the whole [819] clan to this as well, since that is their area code.

Oddly enough, certain KEA members make jokes about black people, jews, asians, mexicans, and whites too. Yet they do it "discretely" or in an "acceptable" way. No, racism is racism. Also, trying to get people to use a word that has no meaning in the same way as the word "n*gg*r" and using so said word as a synonym is racism.
Example: Fluffy is the new N word.
Confidence man is a fluffy.

Using words that contain a racial slur is also racism. Which well over 25% of the regularly playing KEA members do.
Vinegar, Juice.

But then there is 2Crack, who says "Nigga" because he is black. Actually, he is white, just a poser, he actually hates blacks. Uses a black rapper for an avatar, talks like a stereotypical black person would, and claims to be black. Nice. Then, other people just go blatantly about it. "Rambo you are a N word."Back to the names, players should be banned based on their names. It just starts trouble, and admins don't take it seriously enough. There are some admins that do, but my word means jack shit to a certain high admin but I will get to that later.

Sean Coonery. Says he "sticks up for his race" He makes himself look like a moron. Causes racism to spew, and has "coon" in his name. Regardless of him being so called black, still caused shit.
Negor. Self explanatory.
Kool Kids Klub. It's KKK, and we all know his spray.
AngryWhiteMan. Just the fact that he is an angry white man has the
ChesterCopperPotAngryColored. Same as above with race switch.
potential to tip a African American into saying something racial.
Mr.Black. Another one that doesn't need explaining.
Jewish Ninja(Tactical Ninja). Another one that can be explained.
Crazy Canuck...
Canadian Hammer...
Canadian Hero...
Gypsy Hax... another name that will lead to anti semitism, because, as all KEA know, every Jew is a Gypsy.

"Unsportsmanlike conduct" Going to spec at round end. KEA members have done it. Still do it. Against rules.

"General respect for admins and fellow players" I was banned for admin disrespect. I believe it was disrespectful for them to not kick an afk to let a fellow clan member in. It was disrespectful to trash talk me, other KEA members, and pubbers. Yet, admins don't get banned, they get other admins to join in and ridicule, torment, hit on, and discriminate against other players. Disrespect.

"Don't Whine" Some KEA whine about shit all the time. So do I. I know it. I am banned though. I want KEA that whine to get a temp ban, or stop whining.

"Respect all Admin Decisions" I find it difficult to respect admin decisions when they are wrong and should not have been made. Hell, some admin don't respect other admin decisions, and when they argue they make a scene. Then when someone points it out, they argue about that. Talk a trip back in time, to when I was banned and
kicked out of KEA. DiNG banned a person for "hacking". He wasn't and I told DiNG this. It didn't matter because DiNG harbors hatred towards me because he thinks I hate his race. Afterwords, I made poll's about DiNG's shitty admin, thus leading to my ban.

Since I opened the can of worms, that I said I'll get to later, about 6 paragraphs ago, I'll resolve this issue now.
DiNG: Hate me and my "idiocy" if you will. You can think I hate you, and your race. I don't mind. Perma ban man, too. However, if you are going to ban me, perma ban me for something that deserves a perma ban. This ban, should not  be a perma. I agree I should be banned, not perma. I team killed an AFK, I broke a rule. I was disrespectful once someone was disrespectful to me. I broke a rule. I didn't hack, I didn't set an MG up in spawn. Do not let your feelings towards me influence your admin decisions. Do not take different actions for two people because you like or dislike one or the other. A good example, is how you were going to ban me for saying "fuck DiNG". I can assure you that if a KEA member you like said that, there wouldn't have been a problem. Ok DiNG, here are my two seconds to tell you what the real story is bro, I like you in a non-homosexual way, you need to lighten up and learn to take a joke. Learn that people make jokes and don't truly believe in what the joke portrays.

Then there are the players that will only play one class and play on a certain team. When I was in KEA, we talked about this. Except now, certain people, will use admin to get the class of their choice. Admin Abuse. They threaten them first though. "If I see you in spawn not
moving your gone." Ever think he had to take a piss? You'd do it to. And you would shit a brick if you got moved to spec or kicked and someone took your class. Then you would ask for it, complain about not getting it, and eventually follow that person around like a puppy dog until they go afk for 30 seconds or they disconnect.

I can only assume my track record is being taken into consideration. Multipule week bans never happened contrary to what somebody is telling people. My bans were all interclan issues. I found them all reasonable except for the latest. I stood my ground trying to dowhat was best for KEA at the time for the first two. Banning non hackers gets you a bad record as does admin abuse. Let me lay it down:

Ban #1 Made votes about DiNG after he banned a non-hacker.
Ban #2Kicked trooper is jesus because he was abusing admin, as he still does.
Ban #3 Team Killed Jackal 4 times.

So if you get real drunk and mean as a rattlesnake and want to ban me, say I am always at fault, say I cause the most trouble, say I should be banned, say I am an idiot, do so. Just know, that you are a hypocrite and break the rules you uphold. I am sure you can live with that, but the Clan and the community won't be able to live with that. KEA has changed, for the worst it seems. It is not held together by the same bonds as us original members shared when we created it. We do not hold up to the standards we wanted to carry over from OnA, we did not hold true to our virtues.

~ OnA Regular/Original KEA COL Member: RAMBO

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Re: RAMBO's Dispute
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2009, 04:08:20 PM »
btw rambo... the decisions to ban you were never taken by me alone.. banemall was consulted on all of them..

so for anyone to think that i was on a power trip is kinda ridiculous, since the two man rule was followed.. specially cuz you are a legacy player..

oh also.. there is no seperate category as an 'interclan BAN'... a ban is a ban..
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 04:16:18 PM by DinG »

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Re: RAMBO's Dispute
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2009, 09:58:53 PM »
the ban was limited to 1 week.

i wasnt really here for the decision on any of this. and i actually did read your whole post, as well as the one in the admin area.

and i was suggested to keep the ban to perma and shorten it to 1 month. ding is the one who shortened it to a week. i suggest be happy.


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