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Is Service Pack 3 The Real Deal?

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Ban Em All:
I know i should be one of those people that know this, but every computer i have installed this on has had crashing issues and all that fun stuff. So i have stoped using it. Is it all fixed now or what. im not sure if i can now install it. anyone have it installed on their computer and has no problems?

I'm hesitating installing it. I don't see a huge need for it but I could be wrong and missing some features. I haven't heard of anyone crashing with it.

Windows XP SP3 has an issue with AMD procs on OEM machines.  It is due to the way Windows was installed at the factory.  I installed it when I redid my box.  Saves on doing a shitload of updates.  Not really nesissary, but probably a good thing to install within a year or so.  Just make sure to backup your computer with Ghost or something along those lines.

Ban Em All:

--- Quote from: Shippo on August 30, 2008, 09:08:27 PM ---Windows XP SP3 has an issue with AMD procs on OEM machines.  It is due to the way Windows was installed at the factory.  I installed it when I redid my box.  Saves on doing a shitload of updates.  Not really nesissary, but probably a good thing to install within a year or so.  Just make sure to backup your computer with Ghost or something along those lines.

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joy, i have amd and im not sure if its an OEM machine, it was brand new out of alienware


--- Quote from: worp41 on September 03, 2008, 04:39:04 PM ---dont install it utile game need it ..tha min if a game said you need sp3 to play now you good

sp3 i a trick on i tink the buildt it to fuck xp so pepole rush for vista  ::)
whent i instal sp3 i was unabele to play half me game so if you hate formating dont instal it

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BOO VISTA. I don't mind the look of vista and all but the functionality of it is what turns me off.


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