Community Talk > Bugs
Crash on connect
For the past 3 days I have been crashing on connect to the server. It happens right after I connect and the MOTD is displayed. I have gotten around it once by minimizing and then waiting a bit as I load in. Ive also have been having success with opening the Steam Community thing and waiting for the MOTD to load. It doesnt happen on other servers. The error I get is something about memory not being read. =[
yea, i get the same thing, i'm not sure what it is, but it usually takes 1-2 more tries if that happens, doesn't happen every time too.
If you are experiencing the same thing as me, I have a solution.
Every time I connect to the server and I get the welcome screen, usually I hear the sound (people talking, gun shots, etc...) skip for 2 seconds then it's ok. If I try to click on "american" or "axis" while the sound is skipping, my game usually crashes. So I just wait a few seconds then start selecting stuff. :)
--- Quote from: [KEA] guit_ar_tist [GA] on August 19, 2008, 02:40:06 PM ---If you are experiencing the same thing as me, I have a solution.
Every time I connect to the server and I get the welcome screen, usually I hear the sound (people talking, gun shots, etc...) skip for 2 seconds then it's ok. If I try to click on "american" or "axis" while the sound is skipping, my game usually crashes. So I just wait a few seconds then start selecting stuff. :)
--- End quote ---
for me it crashes to desktop right away.
--- Quote from: [OnA]Sloppy on August 19, 2008, 03:36:35 PM ---for me it crashes to desktop right away.
--- End quote ---
That sucks. Does it only happen on our server as well like glox?
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