Community Talk > Bugs


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Ban Em All:
does it do it for just your profile?

When you say "in your profile", do you mean on this website or on paypal's?


--- Quote from: [KEA] guit_ar_tist [GA] on November 28, 2008, 07:37:39 PM ---When you say "in your profile", do you mean on this website or on paypal's?

--- End quote ---

On this website. 

When I open  in my profile it states:

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to load the 'Treasury' template. 


--- Quote from: brdmichaud on November 29, 2008, 07:14:26 AM ---When I open  in my profile it states:

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to load the 'Treasury' template. 

--- End quote ---

Unless you are talking about the application itself on the left side, I don't know and have never seen an option in my profile that lets me see donations or who donated.

Plus, if I would add a who-donated option, I would put an option so that you can either accept or deny having your name showed.


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