KEA Servers > Dispute/Request Bans

Unban me...

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Yeah, apparently Rambo says you have logs of me being racist.

No, you really don't.

I admit I've said it on the mic a few times, hard not to when I'm used to saying it so often; no, I'm not racist. But, I do have black friends so.. I'm used to saying it. But, whatever, I say sorry when I let it slip (maybe 3 times on your server so far); and that's about it.

Apparently I've 'typed' it, because Rambo says he has logs.. RARELY ever do I even type the N word, let alone in your server when I know it wouldn't be allowed.

Now then; the only reason I play DoD Source is because of your server, seems to be the only decent one out there; so if this ban is perm; then let me know so I can uninstall.

Not sure if I'm supposed to say sorry? Haha, because; really, I did nothing wrong. But... 'sorry'...? Anyway yeah, unban me sometime please.

In game : Jedi Toad.LowSens!?
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:89514

Ban Em All:
you will have to wait till rambo and jim jones reply. then our advisor sloppypowerbottom will decide if you should be unbanned or not.

does a douche have a saying on this?

if so..i believe everyone deserves a 2nd chance..dont wanna go against any other admin's rule..but he apologized and admitted he was wrong so..

again..dont wanna rule out any other admin..i wasnt there so im just going by what im readin here



--- Quote from: KillEmAll on November 19, 2008, 07:32:28 PM ---you will have to wait till rambo and jim jones reply. then our advisor sloppypowerbottom will decide if you should be unbanned or not.

--- End quote ---

He may not be a racist, however, he definatly likes to use the N word.  I'd ban him for at least a month and if he rears the ugly racist side again, ban him for life.  Also, his mayacopa is weak.

Rev. Jim Jones:
I do not care if you are in the KKK or listen to old Martin Luther King speeches everyday. You spammed the N-word got muted then when un-muted started trouble again. I gave you a 24 hour ban ,so you ran to the other KEA server and claimed I was a bad admin. Disrespecting KEA members is also a kickable offense.

DO YOU DESERVE A PERM BAN? No, but if you keep this up, you WILL BE.


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