KEA Servers > Dispute/Request Bans
Banned for 3 steam accounts..?
fuck em, next time perma ban him
Ban Em All:
--- Quote from: pixiestyx on June 22, 2011, 05:50:49 PM ---Yeah, turns out not. After talking to dylan, he states he kicked the dude 3 times while attempting to get his attention, and after not being able to grasp the doods attention, eh gave him a 10 minute ban.
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Maybe the guy doesn't have sound. and if dylan tried text, maybe he doesn't pay attention to that stuff, I know I don't at times. And who the fuck cares if he has 3 accounts? we aren't valve and trying to enforce the steam user agreement. hell, the server is cracked, so you can't enforce a agreement that you don't follow without being a hypocrite. Just the way I see it.
--- Quote from: Ban Em All on June 22, 2011, 10:51:30 PM ---Maybe the guy doesn't have sound. and if dylan tried text, maybe he doesn't pay attention to that stuff, I know I don't at times. And who the fuck cares if he has 3 accounts? we aren't valve and trying to enforce the steam user agreement. hell, the server is cracked, so you can't enforce a agreement that you don't follow without being a hypocrite. Just the way I see it.
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I'm just pointing out that he was banned for failure to pay attention to a server admin, not for having 3 accounts. BTW, one of his accounts does have a vac ban on something, I'm guessing COD MW2 by the looks of it. Then again, half of the MW2 players got
if he doenst have sound,cant read english or whatever ,thats his problem..he got kicked 3 times ,came back (probably kept on fuckin around too) and earned a short ban,..go cry somewhere else
locked for faggotry
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