KEA Servers > Dispute/Request Bans

LoL i've been banned by a shitty


8:15 PM - obviouslyAwesome: why the ban?
8:15 PM - [KEA] Dylan: obviously using soft aim
8:15 PM - obviouslyAwesome: ummm
8:15 PM - obviouslyAwesome: congrats
8:15 PM - obviouslyAwesome: imma have pixie take ur guys admin away
8:15 PM - obviouslyAwesome: u or spartacus ban?
8:16 PM - [KEA] Dylan: go ahead and try its obvious
8:16 PM - obviouslyAwesome: its not obvious, play some league play
8:16 PM - [KEA] Dylan: shut your trap its obvious end of conversation
8:16 PM - obviouslyAwesome: lol

For all of your big talk, it was too wired how you could apparently see through walls and know exactly where the enemy where comming from before they could be seen or heard.

Some of those kills you got were fair. But some were simply too suspicious. The only thing I'm really fucked off about is that I forgot to record a demo.

I didn't ban though. I don't know how long you were banned for.

Joeseph Geobbels:
"obviouslyAwesome: imma have pixie take ur guys admin away"

"shut your trap its obvious end of conversation"

firstly, thread is going to be locked when i'm done typing, 2nd, although it's frustrating, and deadly is good, in league play people pull ridiculous shit off all the time, and they play the best, and when a person like that plays pubber, they get good scores and they are going to look like hackers compared to a general player, with out substantial evidence, no sustainable ban, end of subject, show me a demo with hax and we can talk otherwise just play and realize there are people who are that good.


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