Computers and Technology > Hardware

Need new desktop PC

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I did give you suggestions.  You just don't come online very often, so you don't respond back very quickly, I on the other hand have lots of free time to troll the intewebz.

Ban Em All:

--- Quote from: TastyTaste on September 08, 2010, 01:04:56 PM ---but it wont last you as long as an Intel chip (non biased opinion).

--- End quote ---
I highly disagree, I have had mine for 4 years and its still going strong, my old P4 was died in 5 years, and I'm sure my current one will last just as long, if not longer.

But then again, I have liquid cooling... which doesn't really play a big roll in it as its shitty liquid cooling. haha

intel just announced their cutting the price of the i7 950 by 48%, you can now get a i7 950 from Microcenter for $250.00  AND you can look out for i7 930 for $200.00 and 920 for less $187.00  Cant believe i didnt notice this earlier!

happy shopping, im getting the 950 BUYA bitches so glad i waited.

holy fuck im gettin a 930 right fuckin NOW

ooh btw..

fuck you and your 950 tasteeeyy!


^ there you go fury


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