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Need new graphics card

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Joeseph Geobbels:

--- Quote from: TastyTaste on January 07, 2011, 08:43:46 AM ---gtx 595 showing at CES 2011, two gtx 580 gpus on a single pcb

so whos getting one....

--- End quote ---

does it come with a fire extinguisher? im excited to see the TDP, temps and the performance.
will most likely be the fastest card ever.
but fuck, 3 80mm fans to cool that shit, not to mention it looks longer than a 5970. that thing is HUGE.
anyone got ~$1000 to lend?

the 8800 ultra i have is bottlenecking the rest of my comp so hoping to get a dx11 gpu soon.  Probably go for a reg stock gtx 580 and oc it. but im still waiting for Amd to come out with their 6990.

OK  so here's my dilemma:  should i get the MSI gtx 580 Lightning

or two MSI Twin Frozer 2 6950s in crossfire

what i know so far:

crossfire benefits with dual 6950s

future proof
uses full potential of build
quieter by 10dB
uses less power 438 (compared to Lightning 496/513 @930** most likely would oc Lightning to 950+ to close gap on dual setup but then i'd risk more power drain and i got a corsair 750hx for ps  :(

single benefits with Lighning gtx 580

cooler but not by much only 3degrees c (based off of tweaktowns review )
less things to fail
better drivers

so what you guys think, send some feedblack

are you serious? get a hooker instead


^ already got one


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