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watching demos
I cannot watch demos for some reason. I get a vconfig error message.
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--- Quote from: NWP on September 27, 2008, 01:32:29 PM ---I cannot watch demos for some reason. I get a vconfig error message.
--- End quote ---
this might be a sillly question, but in dod? lol, if its in dod, you to to type in console
--- Code: ---play hacker
--- End code ---
hacker is an example of a name, if you do that and it still does not work, you might want to try to clean up dod, as in defragment it. right click on it in steam games, go to props. then local files, then select defrag, then when thats done, verify game cache.
if that doesnt work, try reinstalling your game, and if that doesnt work, try reformatting your computer, and if that doesnt work, your screwed
I am just screwed then because I did try watching it in DOD with play "x" and it didn't work. I am not wiping my hard drive to watch a demo!!!
--- Quote from: NWP on September 28, 2008, 07:34:56 AM ---I am just screwed then because I did try watching it in DOD with play "x" and it didn't work. I am not wiping my hard drive to watch a demo!!!
--- End quote ---
To recap:
type ~ to go in your console
if your demo is called "hacker" type this in console: play hacker
but make sure your demo file is located in your DODS folder because otherwise it won't work... like if you save your "hacker" file to your desktop, it won't play. so the location should be:
D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\(your username)\day of defeat source\dod
To play my demo's I type in...demoui in the console, then the player shows up and I load the demo from the dod folder
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