Computers and Technology > Electronics

What type of MP3 player do you own?

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Ban Em All:
8 gig ipod nano 2nd gen. it gets me through the mornings...

soviet pizza:
i used to have a 30 gig ipod video, but it died not too long ago. My older brother used to be a computer/ipod technician and even he said it was junk :(

Ban Em All:

--- Quote from: soviet pizza on May 28, 2009, 08:46:56 PM ---i used to have a 30 gig ipod video, but it died not too long ago. My older brother used to be a computer/ipod technician and even he said it was junk :(

--- End quote ---
yeah, my friend had that same one, the screen got all messed up, he couldnt upload vids to it... it was crap.

apples biggest disappointment.

all you need is mgmt's latest cd and a cd player, all other songs are faggot songs for kid touchers

I own the Blackberry storm.  8gig micro sd in it, I still have 4 gig left after putting numerous full cd's on it.  Video quality is good, after you wipe off the screen.


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