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Bob Dylan???


I don't care what u call me, just as long as i know what I'm being called before you call me it...examples: fred, D-MAN, D, Man, Bob, Dylan, Bob Dylan, Dylan Bob, I just don't care in the least.

P.S. I'm not going to get to play DOD with you guys much because i have school that starts at 7:50 A.M. and ends at 2:26 P.M. then i have soccer practice/tryouts from 4 to 6:30, then i get home around 7:15 and im pooped (tired and soar) and i have homework, then i have to take a shower, then i get to bed around 9:00 P.M...So i will do my best, PEACE OUT!!!!

its all good bob

Ban Em All:
ok ass hat, we will put that down

The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind.


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