Computers and Technology > Electronics

What type of MP3 player do you own?

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company blackberry storm + my personal iphone 16 gig.. plus i have an older ipod photo 20 gb..

Ban Em All:
A few years  ago I had a old iriver mp3. 256mb! and when i deleted a song, it would only give be back half the memory the song took up.

I have a Sansa e280 4GB. I only have like 220 songs. Im not much of a music guy...

Ey yo Ding, pixiestyx i have a blackberry storm to. How much do your batteries last??

I used to have an Ipod nano, but once I got my PSP and a 16gig memory chip for it, I got rid of my Ipod and only use my PSP. I got 6 full length movies on it, a bunch of youtube vids, thousands of pics, and about 350 songs. I don't usually listen to any of my music on there though, I get bored of it, do I listen to the internet radio that I have on there.


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