KEA Servers > Dispute/Request Bans

Unban me...

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I've already said sorry. But I guess simply talking and having a conversation about what others are saying isn't what you want me to do as well?
People have their say, I have mine.
But once again, I'm sorry.

My thoughts & vote have been made to BanEm...Admins are more then welcome to ask him or myself for those comments.
Admins please see Admin section for my other thoughts to ban disputes.  Lets try keep this section somewhat professional shall we?
just my 2 me or hate me..Crzy has spoken  ;D

Jedi, do not respond to this thread again, until 1. Ban Em does, and 2. Sloppypowerbottom does. If you do, I change my mind.

Ban Em All:
i am going to wait until sloppy responds, he will make the final decision.

about respect... i dont care if i get it or not, if someone disrespects me on the server, ill throw it right back, i have a pair of balls. if someone has something they want to say to me, dont say it behind my back, say it right to me, i can take it. ill just throw it right back at you though(without using my powers). but i do expect respect if i give you respect. if you still dont respect me then, am i gonna care if one other person hates me, no.

when i meet someone, i treat them with the most respect i can give them. i give all my clan members respect, even though some of them dont give me much(wont say names) but i dont care, im fine with that.

main point here, and i know you were told this when you were a kid, treat someone the way you want to be treated. and i would like to add on to that, treat someone the way you want to be treated, and if you treat them like shit, then expect it back.

sloppy, feel free to make your decision. other than that, no one else post in this thread!


--- Quote from: JediToad on November 19, 2008, 07:26:15 PM ---Yeah, apparently Rambo says you have logs of me being racist.

No, you really don't.

I admit I've said it on the mic a few times, hard not to when I'm used to saying it so often; no, I'm not racist. But, I do have black friends so.. I'm used to saying it. But, whatever, I say sorry when I let it slip (maybe 3 times on your server so far); and that's about it.

Apparently I've 'typed' it, because Rambo says he has logs.. RARELY ever do I even type the N word, let alone in your server when I know it wouldn't be allowed.

Now then; the only reason I play DoD Source is because of your server, seems to be the only decent one out there; so if this ban is perm; then let me know so I can uninstall.

Not sure if I'm supposed to say sorry? Haha, because; really, I did nothing wrong. But... 'sorry'...? Anyway yeah, unban me sometime please.

In game : Jedi Toad.LowSens!?
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:89514

--- End quote ---
ok so you know the rules are
--- Quote ---1. No Team Killing or Team Wounding
2. Don't whine
3. Respect all admin decisions
5. No microphone/text spamming
6. No going spectator if round is lost and coming back so that you don't die. (Unsportsmanlike)
7. No Racism
8. No map exploits/glitches, anything that you can't do in real life is forbidden, the only way you are allowed the use of a map exploit is using it to slow down your fall, you are allowed 2 seconds maximum on a map exploit.)
9. No Spawn Camping/ Killing
10. General respect for admins and fellow players, LISTEN TO ALL KEA MEMBERS!
--- End quote ---
you will be unbanned sunday, i have bolded all rules know you broken. This is a final warning, I know for a fact that I have told you not to kill people in spawn, and you have told me it's not against the rules, and like to talk back to admins. That is all i have witnessed from you, so i cannot comment from personal experience about anything else said about you, but i will take what anyone else in KEA says before what you say, even though you have admitted to every offense from what i can see.

Here is some advice to keep yourself from getting a perm ban/ banned again, if you feel the need to say the "n" word don't say shit on mic. I have been on many servers that don't allow any "curse" words, its not that hard, just don't talk. If you feel the need to disrespect an admin, don't talk. . . Once again, admins have the final say in what disrespect is, if you feel the need to disrespect them, don't talk. It really isn't rocket science, you have to push a button to talk just don't touch the button.


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