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Canucks are Crazy

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Canadian beheads seat mate on Greyhound bus. Nuff' said. He made his first court appearance today.


--- Quote from: RAMBO on August 01, 2008, 01:36:13 PM ---Canadian beheads seat mate on Greyhound bus. Nuff' said. He made his first court appearance today.

--- End quote ---

"William Caron, 23, said McLean was quiet, though he liked to socialize with friends. He was small _ about 5-foot-4 and 130 pounds _ and tended to stay away from a fight, Caron said" <---crzy_canuck fits the profile,no doubt.

"Witnesses described a grisly killing that occurred as some were napping and others watching "The Legend of Zorro" on the television screens inside the bus." <--I bet RAMBO was driving the bus..hes a mexican-american disrespectful fuckstick

Yeah, I heard about this story. It's fucking unbelievable. I can't even imagine sitting in that bus and turn around and some maniac is stabbing some guy repeatedly and then later cuts his head off.

--- Quote from: fury on August 01, 2008, 05:15:54 PM ---
"William Caron, 23, said McLean was quiet, though he liked to socialize with friends. He was small _ about 5-foot-4 and 130 pounds _ and tended to stay away from a fight, Caron said" <---crzy_canuck fits the profile,no doubt.

"Witnesses described a grisly killing that occurred as some were napping and others watching "The Legend of Zorro" on the television screens inside the bus." <--I bet RAMBO was driving the bus..hes a mexican-american disrespectful fuckstick

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Would you look away or watch it? I'd watch it. It's like the movies, just better graphics. It's like DoD without a respawn.

I live in fear of canucks, particularly crazy ones.


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