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Author Topic: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit  (Read 13311 times)

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Offline Ninja Kirby

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Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« on: January 06, 2010, 09:01:18 PM »
First of all, I'm not pretending I don't fuck around in your server, but what Buttpirate pulled tonight was unreal on the bullshit scale.  I had been in the for hours with other admins with NO TROUBLE doing the usual dicking around (right down to 5 or 6 admins using lovely little terms like muzzie and coming with other blatantly racial shit, because, as far as I've been told by all the admins i've played with, the only thing you can't say is the n-word).  But not Buttpirate!  Buttpirate doesn't NEED logic like following posted and de jure rules!  He is under the impression that me trying to ask how to donate (that's right, offering him money) he decides to tell me to shut the fuck up, so I start ribbing him back.  That's when fuckhead decides to mute me.  So i start arguing with him since he claims I'm looking for a ban.  Yeah I dropped "negro" once, which, as far as all the other admins on the server have stated, is not under the umbrella of "racism".  Not to mention, its "joking around" when its another admin, but if you tell Buttpirate to stfu, its "Blatant disrespect."

Offline Boats N' Hoes

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 09:31:18 PM »
you are mistaken, the reason for your ban is...

1. you scream into you mic constantly(hence why Buttpirate muted you)
2. you disrespect other pubbers especially if they're jewish( normal ribbing and shit is fine, but make making holocust jokes and completely disrespecting a players religion is over the line..)
3. you disrespected the clan and one of it's members([OnA] Ninja Kirby: like you can only bitch if your a fuckin negro-lovin kea faggot)

You were warned, but decided to go on some rant about how Buttpirate was making up rules when I even typed "motd" and showed you the rule you were breaking. You were banned for 10 minutes after saying the comment listed above.

It's still in debate how long the ban will and shall be, but as of now Buttpirate only banned you for 10 minutes. Just come back in and cool down. Take this as your warning.

EDIT: if you have a problem with a clan member take it to pms dont talk shit to them in all talk.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 09:33:53 PM by Boats N' Hoes »
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Offline pixiestyx

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 10:34:13 PM »
Kirby, you need to stop talking so much.  You only talk for your own attention, and honestly some of the shit you say is funny, but you just don't stop, and it gets out of hand.  Last night I muted the entire server cause you and other people kept egging each other on, and there were 5 people all yelling on their mics at once.  If it were my way, I would have just left the entire server muted, but I unmuted everyone and gave you the chance to calm down, before i started handing out mutes to certain individuals.  Most of the people got it, you didn't.  You were still complaining about the mute 10 minutes later, like i was someone blocking your free right of speech or something.  People come to KEA to have a good conversation and have some laughs.  You were just telling each of them they were dick sucking cunts and they shouldn't be living for one reason or another.  The regular players kept playing, but there were quite a few people who I didn't recognize, that didn't stay long, and I doubt it was because they loved your voice.  I don't know how old you are, but learn to shut up. 

Oh and you also said some things like "well this mute shit wouldn't have happened at ONA"

I played at ONA for 1 1/2 years, yeah, you didn't act like that then, and you would have been muted then.  When Ferret showed up last night, you weren't as loud as when no other ONA folks were there. 

Also, 2 nights ago, you and someone else were egging on the women in the server about personal questions, and nearly harassing them.  Why don't you ask some of the KEA members who have been around for a while bout someone named bacon.  He was acting similar to how you do. 

Offline AngryWhiteman

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 11:22:49 PM »
I found the guy funny sometimes but he does Mic-spam..
And Yell almost as bad as Canadian Bacon(Most of you remember him)As far as the "muzzie" stuff thats a religon..
Not a race.Im a christian and i hear people make Jesus..
Jokes,comments etc but i dont cry about it.
I dont think we need another "Rambo" type screaming..
At new people telling them they suck,go die etc
I know some of it is for shock value and get people going..
But a couple guys screaming at each other is no fun. 

Offline CrAzY?!?

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 11:30:27 PM »
I may be new but I have a opinion about this.

You really need to just tone it down a little Kirby, Its gotten to the point where I think twice before playing with you. So just calm down a little and it will be fine. Have a great day, Chris

Offline Ninja Kirby

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2010, 12:15:06 AM »
Wow, you fuckers sure like talking out of both sides of your mouths when big brother may be watching.  Fact of the matter is that at the time fagboy decided to wield the ban hammer, I was asking him about donating, and that's a fact.  I'll just go out of my way to record every time one of your members (Doc, Whiteminority, Infidel) are just blatantly blasting middle easterners etc and see if its "racist" when its internal. 

Offline E.S.P. GAGE

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2010, 04:32:56 PM »

I agree with Boats.


EDIT: if you have a problem with a clan member take it to pms dont talk shit to them in all talk.

Offline TastyTaste

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2010, 04:58:41 PM »
cant we all just get along?

Offline CrAzY?!?

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2010, 05:00:29 PM »
cant we all just get along?
To be honest no, there is always someone who must spoil the fun.

Offline Doc

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2010, 07:16:17 PM »
you are mistaken, the reason for your ban is...

1. you scream into you mic constantly(hence why Buttpirate muted you)
2. you disrespect other pubbers especially if they're jewish( normal ribbing and shit is fine, but make making holocust jokes and completely disrespecting a players religion is over the line..)
3. you disrespected the clan and one of it's members([OnA] Ninja Kirby: like you can only bitch if your a fuckin negro-lovin kea faggot)

You were warned, but decided to go on some rant about how Buttpirate was making up rules when I even typed "motd" and showed you the rule you were breaking. You were banned for 10 minutes after saying the comment listed above.

It's still in debate how long the ban will and shall be, but as of now Buttpirate only banned you for 10 minutes. Just come back in and cool down. Take this as your warning.

EDIT: if you have a problem with a clan member take it to pms dont talk shit to them in all talk.

hey man you don't need to point the racist finger at me its only one of the reasons you got kicked (see above). also you can only be responsible for your own actions, this is about you so stop trying to make it about others.

p.s. there is a difference between jokingly saying you dont think muslims should be able to use comercial airlines (what i said) and going on for 20 mins about how you have a muslim farm in which you grow muslims collect their blood and masturbate using said blood as lube.

Offline TERd sniFFa

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2010, 07:21:13 PM »

Oh and you also said some things like "well this mute shit wouldn't have happened at ONA"

funny he should say that cos there was a thread in OnA where Dr.Del was muted by Kirby about 3 years back for talking up a storm. and when Kat was flirting on the server with Zeitgeist on the mic(before she joined OnA), Kirby did not mute them, instead he chose to ban them. and gave me a days ban as well for asking why they were banned. anyways, with the exception of a few(hint:Kirby) OnA are a great bunch of guys as y'all would know. I made sure Kirby, [OnA] Endgame and a few other abusive admins lost their powers in OnA by taking screenshots of them being abusive and posting it in the OnA forums in that episode which later was referred as "admingate"  :D :D

Offline AngryWhiteman

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2010, 07:33:44 PM »
I dont think Racism should have been included as reason...
For Ban.But the Mic-Spamming,being a douche in general..
Was enough.Kirby has managed to piss off most of..
Of the server just in a few days of being here.
He "Trolls" and then whines when he is muted or banned.
And the ban was only 10 mins i should add.
KEA is the best server because of the people and..
The social aspect.If all someone wants to do is troll..
And get into screaming matches with new players.
That person should probably think of playing elsewhere.
As for recording me,go for it.
I understand the KEA rules and i try not to push things..
Too far.NO mention of Religon is not listed on the server..

Offline Jewish Ninja

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2010, 07:57:29 PM »
Kirby jew jokes are funny, but after 20 minutes they get annoying by  30 minutes you are ranting and raving about jews.
Is Skinner 88 your father?

Offline trooper is j

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2010, 08:57:15 PM »
I go on vacation an hell breaks loose? Wtf is wrong with you guys?


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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2010, 10:05:49 PM »
I go on vacation an hell breaks loose? Wtf is wrong with you guys?

you were away?

Offline TERd sniFFa

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2010, 10:21:33 PM »
I go on vacation an hell breaks loose? Wtf is wrong with you guys?
you were away?
he went to San Francisco and had a "good time"....

Offline pixiestyx

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2010, 10:32:37 PM »

Offline lolz

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2010, 09:26:12 AM »
Wow, you fuckers sure like talking out of both sides of your mouths when big brother may be watching.  Fact of the matter is that at the time fagboy decided to wield the ban hammer, I was asking him about donating, and that's a fact.  I'll just go out of my way to record every time one of your members (Doc, Whiteminority, Infidel) are just blatantly blasting middle easterners etc and see if its "racist" when its internal.  

im muslim.  i dont care if they talk shit or not, we built the community as it is and people keep coming back.  you seem to be in the minority here.  either way... whether you like it or not, you sound like a pretty big douche from your comments in here and here.  take this ban as a warning, the next ones will get progressively longer.  if an admin tells you to do something, do it.  just because you are OnA does not give you special treatment.  plus, im pretty sure most of us here don't like you.  don't give us a reason to punish you, because we will.  thanks and have a good day.

edit: i think this topic can be locked, his ban was only for 10 minutes which ended a while ago.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 09:30:11 AM by lolz »

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2010, 08:04:20 PM »
yeah.. listen to lolz.. or he'll go all jihad on ur ass... cuz u know.. he's an ass terrorist...

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Re: Calling Buttpirate on blatant bullshit
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2010, 08:47:31 PM »
yeah.. listen to lolz.. or he'll go all jihad on ur ass... cuz u know.. he's an ass terrorist...
we lock these topics for a reason ding. no so you can keep posting in them


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