Community Talk > Announcements


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Ban Em All:
Hey guys, this is a topic I hate to bring back over and over again, but we really need to start picking up the donations. If we want to expand more, me and guitartist have to see that everyone is up to the challenge of donating and keeping hopefully more servers up.

Even 5 dollars is helpful. Hopefully we can expand more into the future. My friend say he has a server box and he can setup a dod server for us. 100 tick to. So dig deep into your pockets for that first penny you ever earned and help us help you keep gaming.


15$ from me.

how much more u need? ill cover it

Ban Em All:
um, not sure, maybe 20 more to cover next month. but this is sort of practice to, cause if we ever want to grow, we are gonna have to have more than 3 or 4 people donating, this is a team effort. work together, fail together, and dominate together, and i hope we all grow into a big clan and spread out further than just dods. spread the word to more than just source, steam. bring it around the gaming world.

i just really hope this can happen, and not be a temp. thing.

Thanks, and Kill Em All!

Donations, yes, I'll bring it back up. If 20 of us donated a dime a day, that would be about 60$ a month. Jus sayin. Can't you spare a dime a day?


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