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Author Topic: One rule that we should all know!  (Read 21939 times)

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Offline Ban Em All

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One rule that we should all know!
« on: August 02, 2008, 05:23:03 PM »
Alright, earlier today, i found that their was a post about a JNS member, the bomb. and that we bet that he lives in japan. this will not be allowed on our servers or forums, this right now is 1st grade crap that we will not allow. the bomb felt real nervous especially when his pix was on our site. Here is a conversation that i had to have with him for one of our members doings.

[KEA] Ban Em All: whats up
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: Do you maintain your forums?
[KEA] Ban Em All: i do my best, im gonna give them a clean tonight, why
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß:,26.0.html
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: Fourth from the last post.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: First off, that is me in the picture, secondly, I do not live in Japan, and thirdly, I would request that any pictures of JNS members be removed from your forums if they are used without premission.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: Permission, rather.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: I don't know what kind of clan you plan on running, but if this is something that is obliged and obligated from your members, I am seriously going to council a meeting with JNS leadership and personally vouch for a blanket ban on all of you.
[KEA] Ban Em All: im sorry
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: Because when my personal safety is on the line, and the line is crossed, things get personal and I'd rather we avoid confrontration.
[KEA] Ban Em All: im sorry
[KEA] Ban Em All: ill take care of it now
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: I hope you're good on your word because a lot of the KEA boys would be pretty disappointed to find the message "You have been banned from this server" when they connect to our Avalanche.
[KEA] Ban Em All: im very sorry about this
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: I understand it's not your own personal doing, but it's not as if we on JNS are badmouthing you or looking up personal information on you guys because of this.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: In fact, the only people that are really pissed off about this KEA vs JNS bullshit is our CAL team, beacuse of the disrespect we've been given from you guys.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: It's our first season in CAL as our debut so admittedly, we're not great; but we've certainly shown no hostility to KEA before, and have done nothing to earn yours.
[KEA] Ban Em All: hold on
[KEA] Ban Em All: do you want the whole post taken off
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: If you want to encourage Clan vs Clan action, that's great, but do it in a professional matter because already in our first season in CAL, JNS CAL has amassed an extremely powerful CAL connection with several other Clans and their own CAL units- Enough to request bans for all KEA members in their servers.
[KEA] Ban Em All: or just the part about you
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: I want you to act accordingly. All the other posts in there are fine, you can run your mouths until you let your playing do the talk for you, but that thing about me specifically is unacceptable.
[KEA] Ban Em All: im very sorry
[KEA] Ban Em All: its very hard to run a whole clan basically by myself, JNS has many members to help, im all alone basically, im working very hard
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: And you're doing a good job. I don't mean to say you're not, but it is understandable that things like this will happen without the proper administration over your members. Don't take this as a threat or an act of me trying to get some internet pwnage on you, I'm just letting you know that continued action like this will eventually be met with action from us.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: I'll be the first to say that if you ever need help regarding anything, that JNS is always the first you should consider going to, because a lot of the KEA boys are well-liked in our servers and we'd be glad to help.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: But like with Beer Count and most eGO, if this KEA and JNS feud over something so small gets out of control big, then we'll have no choice but to act in what is best for the clan and our members.
[KEA] Ban Em All: i understand
[KEA] Ban Em All: check out the edit i made, its that good?
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: Yes, that is acceptable. Now, like I said before, my CAL boys, me included, are very much looking forward to this match. Also, as stated before, we do not intend to play on Avalanche, so if your boys would like to scrim JNS on Avalanche, you will do so without facing a single JNS CAL member.
[KEA] Ban Em All: i dont see rambo on, but when he comes online, i will talk to him
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: Not out of cowardice, but out of the simple fact that CAL does not play non-CAL.
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: Thank you for that. I understand Rambo has some angst over his banning in JNS servers, but if this is an example of the kind of person he is, you should understand as to why he was banned in the first place.
[KEA] Ban Em All: like i sadi, very sorry
[KEA] Ban Em All: said*
J?ÑŠ| ??€ ß?mß: And I accept your apology. That is all I had to bring up with you, and I'm sorry that things are getting bigger than they should have been. I hope I didn't ruin your day, and that you have a good one with what hours are left.

posting this conversation required me to read through it all again and decide what i should post and what i shouldnt. i dont like extra work i have to do. you will se a lot of sorry in it, because i was taken off guard and shown this. this will not be tolerated and if i get a report like this again. you will be kicked off KEA! we dont have many rules here, so you should take that into thought, "hum i get treated pretty well here, they have basically no rules. maybe i shouldnt try and cause chaos." this is getting insane. if there is any funny on this forums, you will be banned from our server and forums for a week. this is getting old and its just a bunch of bull shit. you can post what you think on this, but post carefully. cause im not in the mood for joking around. this is the second time i had to yell, in ONE FREAKIN WEEK, THATS JUST SAD! and i know i can expect some smart ass, so i have my banning system ready.

Offline guit_ar_tist

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 05:51:55 PM »
As you said, this can't be tolerated. We are a new server and clan and we're already encountering this. Makes us look like we don't know what we are doing. I guess you could say (and like BOMB said) that we will encounter these type of situations sometimes but c'mon, let's make this a server we can ALL enjoy. Like BAN said, our server rules are almost nothing compared to other servers so please enjoy them and take advantage in an appropriate way. Thanks.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 11:17:46 PM »
first off,who the hell is this guy to tell BANEM how to run the forum or the server? ,if he had a personal complaint he shouldve pointed a name and let the moderators deal with it,instead of threatening with mass bans for all our members.

personally they can ban me from their whole community,i could care less.this and ONA are the only servers i will ever fear gettin banned from.

to each its own,i dont care if other members have personal issues with other clans,not my me,this is a gamer community not a sorority ..i wouldnt ban a whole clan just cause one of their guys got into it with me.If we followed the same principle we should ban every JNS member cause of TheBomb threats.

God Damn.. we dont have a "high council".. why the hell didnt we think about that? (or maybe its a secret one and i dont belong to it)  ;D

Offline Ban Em All

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 11:56:43 PM »
im sort of getting tired of these conversations, no offence to the bomb, your not my favorite JNS member, after you banned me for a week(really 3 days, you guys need to look into your banning system lol. but i shouldnt have to say sorry, and be told how to run a clan/community. NO MORE SORRY!

Offline guit_ar_tist

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2008, 12:01:00 AM »
Yeah I know what you mean fury. Mass bans is not the answer if one guy goes against their clan. Servers (including us) depend on people actually attending their server to be successful. Banning like there is no tomorrow is not the answer. And yeah, we're all gamers here in this gaming community, it's not a damn sorority like you said. Let's stop being super serious and chillax a bit. Though some matters need to be taken seriously, we're just gamers, not politicians.

Now, I am not trying to start shit with BOMB but I am allowed to disagree with some stuff.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2008, 12:25:51 AM »
besides..i believe i speak for most of the people that play KEa when i say we play for fun,and sometimes (if not most of the times) even enjoy talking crap to each other..i found hilarious the jew/nigger/spic remark as i would've if they called us something like that
man we really need a high council thread 

Offline guit_ar_tist

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2008, 12:33:51 AM »
besides..i believe i speak for most of the people that play KEa when i say we play for fun,and sometimes (if not most of the times) even enjoy talking crap to each other..i found hilarious the jew/nigger/spic remark as i would've if they called us something like that
man we really need a high council thread 

Yeah, I play for fun and I take everything easy. I find myself a good admin (not saying someone else is not, just speaking in general terms). Like if someone mic spams, I mute him first, then kick if he starts to chat spam. You know? Stupid exmaple maybe but whatever, say anything bad AND I WILL BANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN YOOZE!

I'm not like a certain JNS admin who bans me because he says I hack and have been banned from many servers then abuses his powers when I try to explain or ask for evidence or anything. God.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2008, 12:42:08 AM »
yeah i know at least 5 guys that have been banned from JNS for mass raping ,no demo taken or anything like it
they banned a guy named pcje..who was on our server the day after..4/1 ratio ..i did spec he guy and found nothing..he missed several garand rounds.IF he was using an aimbot before, he turned it off but he was still kickin ass.

Offline guit_ar_tist

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2008, 01:03:13 AM »
yeah i know at least 5 guys that have been banned from JNS for mass raping ,no demo taken or anything like it
they banned a guy named pcje..who was on our server the day after..4/1 ratio ..i did spec he guy and found nothing..he missed several garand rounds.IF he was using an aimbot before, he turned it off but he was still kickin ass.

Yeah, I hate when admins ban almost immediately when they see someone playing good. Now, of course you have to auto-ban someone who is obviously hacking (avatar moving like crazy for example) but JNS (maybe not everyone but...) seem to ban alot from what I have heard.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2008, 08:15:06 AM »
It is absured for JNS to tell us how to run our clan.  I dont know what Rambo said and it would not surprise me but its not JNS job's to police DODS.

Offline guit_ar_tist

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2008, 03:11:21 PM »
It is absured for JNS to tell us how to run our clan.  I dont know what Rambo said and it would not surprise me but its not JNS job's to police DODS.

True. I hate when clans think they are all macho. They get admin and their own server and then think they can tell everyone what to do and how to do it.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2008, 04:03:57 PM »
I was banned from JNS once while the admins were talking about the [a],[r],[f] after their names. They asked what [f] means. So I answered while there was 2 [f]s in there.  I said it stood for Faggot Camper. Guess it meant Founder.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2008, 04:08:25 PM »
I was banned from JNS once while the admins were talking about the [a],[r],[f] after their names. They asked what [f] means. So I answered while there was 2 [f]s in there.  I said it stood for Faggot Camper. Guess it meant Founder.

I would of thought the same thing. Odd. It wasn't.  ;D

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2008, 05:38:26 PM »
It is absured for JNS to tell us how to run our clan.  I dont know what Rambo said and it would not surprise me but its not JNS job's to police DODS.

They can go suck a cock. They have no right to tell us how to run our clan.

Offline Ban Em All

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2008, 08:16:40 PM »
i shouldnt have to be told how to run shit, the only person that should tell me what to do is my gf, mainly cause im afraid of her

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2008, 08:49:40 PM »
i shouldnt have to be told how to run shit, the only person that should tell me what to do is my gf, mainly cause im afraid of her
shit..not even my gf tells me what to do..i guess thats why she said i had to be out of the house in 2 weeks

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2008, 09:21:21 PM »
It is absured for JNS to tell us how to run our clan.  I dont know what Rambo said and it would not surprise me but its not JNS job's to police DODS.

for what ive read on the mail post,hes either japanese or a homosexual..no1 talks like that if not in a coutroom so i dont know whats wrong with RAMBO's remark..he was just exercising his right to tell people to go suck a dick,nothing wrong with that.
Dont ever let pompous fuckers hiding behind a keyboard to tell you to shut up,they can take their empty threats to whoever they want..still gonna be laughed at and told to go suck a dick.

i get banne from on o their serve only beacau i ask a admin to tell a guy to stop tkin me in  spaw

Knowing you..i would do that to you too worp..just to hear you bitch about it.. hahah

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2008, 11:06:24 PM »
i shouldnt have to be told how to run shit, the only person that should tell me what to do is my gf, mainly cause im afraid of her


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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2008, 03:39:44 AM »
Rambo shoudn't have posted anythimg derogitory about jns (or any other clan)where the public can read it. I have some views about JNS, EGO and beer-cout that I won't post here. I do not like being threatened by The bomb though and think that's B.S.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2008, 07:12:41 AM »
All you people afraid of your gf's....its my five hundred lb mother in law that scares me!!!!....She starts rolling and we are all pancakes!!!

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2008, 08:21:06 AM »
Hello KEA and KEA fans, my name is Ben and I am in JONES Leadership (not high council- no such thing). I have played with some of you in the past on the OnA server so I recognize some names.

This war of words has gotten a little crazy so i just want to say a few things...

We don't police DoD:S or think we can control other clans. what you say here is up to you, as it is your clan. But if people come into our servers and blatantly break them then there will be consequences. Just because you think its funny to use racism doesn't mean we have to. We don't come into your servers and do things that we know piss you off because we respect others' rules.

The controversy started when a conversation between a KEA member and JNS member chatted about a possible scrim and said KEA member just started using racist terms unprovoked. Keep in mind, we do not tolerate racism being thrown in our faces. You want to say racist remarks in game or in your forums..etc that's fine but in general it seems pretty reckless to say those kinds of things to somebody you don't know.

The point made about being banned unfairly or noobs being admin: if you feel you have been banned unfairly, go post on our forums and plead your side. If we don't have any evidence against you then you will be unbanned. We just ask you do it in a mature fashion. Keep in mind, we're all human and we make mistakes. You could have been banned on accident. Its easier than it sounds really when you consider 99% of people use an admin menu rather than console commands. Maybe somebody hit the wrong button. I have done that but somebody caught it for me and I unbanned him as fast as I could. Noobs being admin: admin who have an [A] at the end of their name aren't necessarily the highest ranking members of the clan. We don't really feel a need for rank until it comes to matters such as this. If you have a problem with an admin, again I invite you to our forums to bring to our attention that somebody mistreated you. Again, do it in a mature fashion. We can't fix a problem we don't know about. If it comes up in leadership meetings that an admin is abusing their powers, it will be dealt with. Trust me when I say we have demoted people and yanked their admin privileges. But if you come in and post obscene messages in your complaint you will probably just work against your complaint. 

I hope this stupid squabble ends here and now and we can go back to just playing the GAME!

Thank you to the KEA members that have been sensitive to the issues that started this and have been mature in this matter

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2008, 10:49:50 AM »
Good post, Ben.

Personally, I think RAMBO's comment was way out of line, but the bomb's threat to blanket ban all [KEA] members from the server as well as use his "influence" to extend the ban to other servers was also out of line. There are many of us who enjoy the JNS server and its members' company. Don't take his comment as a representation of us all, because that is simply not the case.

Thanks again for a good post.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 10:51:21 AM by lumpy »

Offline Ban Em All

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2008, 12:47:54 PM »
I agree with Ben and lumpy. Ben is a good guy, never would upset anyone on purpose. But the bomb was out of line when saying he will ban all of us and other servers aswell. that in my opinion is very childish, but then as far as rambo's comment, that was un-called for. and we never asked him to even say a word about this. Im not sure who messaged who first, if it was him, he shouldnt have, if it was JNS, wow, you guys picked the wrong person.

And now time for my side topic, no evidence has yet been given by any JNS member about guit_ar_tist being banned from your server, yeah, you guys can say, he was banned from many other server, it says so on other forums, what other forums? non has yet been given, then to be threatened with an IP ban like that, thats just... rude i guess, not even a word in the book to explain that. Ok, side topic over.

And how the bomb asked me if i maintain my forums, i shouldnt have to be asked that, thats like me going onto your forums and going, "oooooooo, you didnt put a period at the end of your sentence. your in trouble." or something like that.

Yes we all have our own personal flaws, but then we all have our own flaws as a group. but we should be learning from our mistakes. And i have yet to see either you guys, or even us learn. And maybe if your interested, maybe you would like a vid of when the bomb came onto our server. ill be glad to share it with you, he basically made him, and you guys look like dicks. and if you look, read the text and stuff, there are other guys on the server making fun of him, sorry but lol. he made himself and JNS look like ass hats.

I hope this gets resolved. cause im tired of this. its getting old, real fast.

Rambo and ramsey, you two better clean up your act.

btw, i realize that ramseys comment was unacceptable, but yet is was unacceptable for the bomb to come into our server and start ranting his mouth off.

ben, im not mad, im pissed, im pissed about this whole fight, im tired of giving the, im sorry every single second to bomb, where the Im sorry from you guys. you guys have some mistakes to fix up. start with a "Im sorry" to me first, then the rest of the clan. I said enough sorry to last you guys a year. Im dont with it.

anyways peace, my fingers are tired of typing.

and the whole JNS clan isnt getting banned from our server, 1, we arent gonna cause that would be the biggest dick move on earth, 2, i dont feel like going through console and banning 150 steam ids, i have a life/job/gf/another job, i dont need to add another thing to my future goals(this message was for the bomb).

and we can hold the JNS v. KEA match on our server, this way we can have the 12 on 12 match. the pass will be given to ben no matter what, and he will tell who ever is playing the pass, why him, cause i trust him and he is the most mature player on JNS.

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2008, 01:38:51 PM »
i shouldnt have to be told how to run shit, the only person that should tell me what to do is my gf, mainly cause im afraid of her

lol +1

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Re: One rule that we should all know!
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2008, 01:43:39 PM »
I agree with Ben and lumpy. Ben is a good guy, never would upset anyone on purpose. But the bomb was out of line when saying he will ban all of us and other servers aswell. that in my opinion is very childish, but then as far as rambo's comment, that was un-called for. and we never asked him to even say a word about this. Im not sure who messaged who first, if it was him, he shouldnt have, if it was JNS, wow, you guys picked the wrong person.

And now time for my side topic, no evidence has yet been given by any JNS member about guit_ar_tist being banned from your server, yeah, you guys can say, he was banned from many other server, it says so on other forums, what other forums? non has yet been given, then to be threatened with an IP ban like that, thats just... rude i guess, not even a word in the book to explain that. Ok, side topic over.

And how the bomb asked me if i maintain my forums, i shouldnt have to be asked that, thats like me going onto your forums and going, "oooooooo, you didnt put a period at the end of your sentence. your in trouble." or something like that.

Yes we all have our own personal flaws, but then we all have our own flaws as a group. but we should be learning from our mistakes. And i have yet to see either you guys, or even us learn. And maybe if your interested, maybe you would like a vid of when the bomb came onto our server. ill be glad to share it with you, he basically made him, and you guys look like dicks. and if you look, read the text and stuff, there are other guys on the server making fun of him, sorry but lol. he made himself and JNS look like ass hats.

I hope this gets resolved. cause im tired of this. its getting old, real fast.

Rambo and ramsey, you two better clean up your act.

btw, i realize that ramseys comment was unacceptable, but yet is was unacceptable for the bomb to come into our server and start ranting his mouth off.

ben, im not mad, im pissed, im pissed about this whole fight, im tired of giving the, im sorry every single second to bomb, where the Im sorry from you guys. you guys have some mistakes to fix up. start with a "Im sorry" to me first, then the rest of the clan. I said enough sorry to last you guys a year. Im dont with it.

anyways peace, my fingers are tired of typing.

and the whole JNS clan isnt getting banned from our server, 1, we arent gonna cause that would be the biggest dick move on earth, 2, i dont feel like going through console and banning 150 steam ids, i have a life/job/gf/another job, i dont need to add another thing to my future goals(this message was for the bomb).

and we can hold the JNS v. KEA match on our server, this way we can have the 12 on 12 match. the pass will be given to ben no matter what, and he will tell who ever is playing the pass, why him, cause i trust him and he is the most mature player on JNS.

Alright ill stop with the racial remarks and other comments about JNS but i still do not like there clan and there server rules.


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