KEA Servers > Day of Defeat Source

The KEA and JNS Fight

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Ban Em All:
JNS had their meeting, and it was decided that there will be a few banns given out, guit_ar_tist(for the most retarded  reasons i heard in my life) NWP(no one knows) worp(no one knows) ramsey(racism) rambo(racism) i am working on getting guit, nwp, and worps bans lifted, worp, you will prolly get lifted soon, just post request or whatever on the JNS forums. nwp, idk, no one know what you did, and guitartist, your prolly never gonna get lifted, why. idk.

JNS members to thank, pick em up jones, and ben. without those two, there would of been a blanket ban on us.


--- Quote from: KillEmAll on August 05, 2008, 01:51:13 AM ---JNS had their meeting, and it was decided that there will be a few banns given out, guit_ar_tist(for the most retarded  reasons i heard in my life) NWP(no one knows) worp(no one knows) ramsey(racism) rambo(racism) i am working on getting guit, nwp, and worps bans lifted, worp, you will prolly get lifted soon, just post request or whatever on the JNS forums. nwp, idk, no one know what you did, and guitartist, your prolly never gonna get lifted, why. idk.

JNS members to thank, pick em up jones, and ben. without those two, there would of been a blanket ban on us.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Ben and Pick em up Jones for your help. Though glad to see they are still not providing info regarding my ban  ::) . (unless I haven't been told something)

wow wha happened guys

Why the hell did I get banned from their server?  I have not done a damn thing!

Rev. Jim Jones:
JNS wo'nt banned me heck I have an open invintation from Darth.  They insists that JWPIZZY is a wall hacker which I don't see. I have a few beef's with their bans, but won't post them where the world can read them. JNS is very P.C. and I can see where some of our members would not be welcomed.


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